Monday, May 19, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


How Zombies Would Affect North America

Suppose it’s the year two thousand and fifty. North America has a stronghold on the few remaining communist governments and North Korea has been forced to abandon any pursuit of the study of nuclear weaponry.
Much of the polar ice caps have melted, leaving many coastal and island countries fully submerged in waters up to two-miles deep. The United States has lost all coastal states including Florida, Maine, New York and Southern-California due to post-polar flooding. Many other states have been abandoned due to riots and/or nuclear accidents for dozens of years as devastating as “Chernobyl”.
The continent of Africa has been mostly flooded due to post-polar submersion or hurricanes. It now has a larger people-to-land ratio than late-china.
Terrorism has prevailed in Western Europe and the Bin Laden family rules what was before known as Denmark is now known as the “Iraqi Empire”.
As Earth skips ahead to 2070, the Terrorist-Empire has invented the lethal virus “Solamnum”. Solamnum is a possibly an incurable virus that is transmittable only through the blood stream. Often called the “Zombie-Cold” Solamnum essentially shuts down the cerebral system in order to rewire the subject’s senses and needs. Upon reawakening, the host develops an insatiable taste for flesh and feels no skin-sensations, thus, rendering the victim a “Zombie”. Today Northern America is roughly 35% populated by hosts to this virus and however contradictory to most recent media, the United States is unable to exterminate these “zombies” due to the restrictions of the law. Therefore, those who attempt or succeed in murdering will be tried as a murderer in the court of law and vice-versa.
No matter how dangerous these “People” may be, families are often only able to confine infected family members to an isolated section of the household. However, if the infected attacks a family member it may be charged with domestic-violence thus landing it in prison and relieving the family of the victim.
Even though “zombies” are treated relatively fairly considering their murderous behavior, there are many groups bent on extending their privileges. One of the ideas is to convert the state of Alabama into a designated community for the zombies.
As appealing as evacuating all Alabamans from their homes and replacing them with bloodthirsty mutants sounds, this is impossible without the consent of the governor of Alabama who is unfortunately a host to the disease himself.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Reapearing Double-Chin

Little comic strip I'm trying to start: "Reapearing Double-Chin"

Friday, March 14, 2008


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I don't know why but all my pictures i've been posting are in invedrted colours...?

Friday, February 22, 2008

What the hell???

Click on this picture to see it in NON-inverted colours.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Something... I don't know what the fuck inspired me to do this but... There you go.

Click on this Picture to see it in NON-inverted colours.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Yet another Sublime tribute, I was pretty desperate to get in some Photoshop yesterday.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Darn It all.

Damn, I seem to be lacking inspiration today. I'll have to make up for it later. Sorry.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Vietnam Flag

A Ho Chi Minh Tribute. Fesh off the press.

Updated T-shirt Design

Basically an updated version of "I Target Wal-Mart" T-shirt.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Sublime Tribute

Just a little sublime tribute. Wee.

Do You Asdf Mavis Beacon?

A silly, little T-shirt design I did awhile ago.

Fight Club Thing

I recently watched Fight Club for the 19th time yesterday and I decided to do a little doodle. Here is the product.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Another T-shirt design. Don't steal it. I'll murder you with an eggplant.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Insomnia Decks

Some graphics I did for friend, Diego's skateboard company, "Insomnia".

My latest T-shirt design. It's a spin-off of the "Don't tase me, bro" thing.

New Blog

This is my first post. Cool.
I think I should take this time to introduce myself. My name is Asia and I live somewhere in the beautiful North-West.

My favourite movies are: Fight Club, Snatch, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Winnie the poo etc.

Some of the shows I like are: Arrested Development, The Office and The Twighlight Zone.

My favourite books are: Dante's Inferno, To Kill a Mockingbird and Shakespeare's "Hamlet".